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Composite manhole cover – composite manhole Valve (door)

Composite manhole valve is one of the most on-demand composite products.

Special characteristics as well as composite features have led many businesses to use composite manhole cover.

The composite manhole door, according to their compounds and their raw materials, have solved many problems of cast iron manholes.

For example:

1. Cast iron valves are very vulnerable in cases of acidic rain or even pouring acidic liquids.

2. According to the iron or steel prices, these covers are in danger of beeing stolen.

3. Transportation and also installation of cast iron or steel valves due to high weight is very hard.

But in the composite valve mentioned problems has solved.

Also, due to the structure of composite manhole covers, the matching error in the size and shape is very low, so the installation is possible with the lowest error and slippage.

Due to the problems of cast iron valves with their frames, the composite manhole valve is produced with its frame combined.

In this way, the frame and manhole are molded and produced so that the error percentage between the frame and the lid of the manhole is significantly reduced.

Other features of manhole valve include:

1. Electricity resistant

Using composite materials, the electrical conductivity of this product is impossible.

2. Long-life valve

Depending on the traffic locations such as streets and factories with heavy loads and fixtures, the composite valve is one of the best options available for use.

3. Possibility to insert logo and also make valves in order of shape and size

According to the type of production of these valves, any logo can be inserted and can also be produced based on the desired shape and size of the order.


Fibergs Co has also done a project in Poland Gas stations.

Project Description:

500 yellow manhole valves were produced with a diameter of 325 mm.

The project was completed in February of 2017.

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Fibergs , one of the bigest manufacturers of composite smc tanks and composite valves , always is ready to support you and contact with you.

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Oman Muscat south Al-Mabilah Al-Salam Street No.701
+96 89 5803 834